Ice Cream

Today In class we made ice cream!!! And i am going to tell you about it




  1.  Cream (the one in the milk bottle)
  2. Salt (without going to a cave)
  3. Ice (Not snow, Ice)
  4. Small Zip lock bag (READ IT RIGHT!)
  5. Big Zip Lock bag (Not the small one)
  6. Vanilla extract (not coconut)
  7. Sugar (not salt)


The steps in how to make it:


  1. Pour as much cream as you want (depends on how much ice cream you want) in to the small bag
  2. Then a little bit of vanilla extract
  3. One spoonful of sugar
  4. Then close the small bag
  5. Now putt a good amount of ice in the big bag
  6. And 2 or 3 pinches of salt
  7. Put the small bag in the big bag then close the big bag
  8. Now shake it for 5 or 10 minutes 
  9. Then take it out and it should be like ice cream

Warning make sure the bags are sealed shut and  check if the bag got a rip in it 

One Response

  1. lulu36 at |

    That was so fun! for me mine tasted a little bit sour I hope yours was good though!



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